
The SwinLocal Network is a partnership between Swinburne University of Technology and
Learn Local organisations in Melbourne’s eastern and outer eastern suburbs, underpinned by shared values and a commitment to building learner pathways through working together, sharing and being locally connected and relevant.


What We Do


Partnering for sustainable growth and to expand opportunities for adult learners, our organisations and the community.

Learner Pathways

We invest in a range of initiatives and projects that build much stronger learner pathways between LLOs, and between LLOs and Swinburne.


Our network communications and ways of work to ensure we are inclusive, accessible, and capacity builders of skills and knowledge.

Our Model

SwinLocal is a partnership between Swinburne Participation and Vocational Education Department and Learn Local Organisations underpinned by shared values and a commitment to building learners, community and organizational capacity. We create collaborative and sustainable place-based opportunities.

Learn More

Contact SwinLocal

For more information about SwinLocal please email the Network Co-ordinator, Kerri Gravina.


12-50 Norton Rd
Croydon 3136

Call Us